
We offer a variety of private and group tutoring options to help VCE PE students reach their full potential. All our tutoring sessions occur outside of school hours and are conducted online, making it as easy as possible for students to get maximum value from their sessions.

Private Tutoring options include either 1:1 or 1:2 tutor to student ratios and we draw on our select network of highly qualified VCE PE teachers to match student needs to the right tutoring style.

Academy Group Tutoring is an exclusive study group of up to 25 students, known as our “Aiming For The Next Level” program.  Through weekly 1hr+ online tutoring sessions, students benefit from in depth teaching from two highly qualified Unit 3/4 teachers and VCAA Examiners.

Each term’s concepts are covered in detail in these 6 x weekly sessions and students receive invaluable instant feedback on practice questions throughout. Academy Group Tutoring is perfect preparation for those students “Aiming For The Next Level” in VCE PE.

Academy Group Training runs for 6 weeks each term on Thursdays 8pm – 9pm*


Aiming for the Next Level

abcPE presents weekly tutorials on Unit 4 topics including fitness components, activity analysis, fitness testing, training principles and methods so that you can prescribe a training program for an athlete of your choice! These are the vital skills required for success in Unit 4 PE.

Purchase ALL 6 TUTORIALS for $180 and receive a Training Program practice SAC or attend individual tutorials each Thursday at 8PM for $33.

Please hurry as places are strictly limited!

Session 1: Thursday 6th June
We will explore the fitness components, the factors affecting each one and the sports that rely on them!! FLABS and MRSAABC are the keys to remembering these!!!

Session 2: Thursday 13th June
We learn why we conduct an activity analysis before writing a training program. We cover each method of data collection including the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Session 3: Thursday 20th June
We need to know 2 valid and specific fitness tests for each fitness component. But what does valid, accurate and reliable mean? And how do we gain informed consent?

Session 4: Thursday 27th June
Once we have identified the fitness components, energy systems and muscle groups to train we will need to select the correct training methods to train them. Learn which ones train what!

Session 5: Thursday 18th July
Apply the training principles correctly to your training program for it to be effective. We have a great nemonic to remember them! Come and learn it so you never forget.

Session 6: 25th July
Finally we put it all together and write the training program. Learn how to make your program for any athlete and how to critique and evaluate others programs.

Introduction to Biomechanics

Click on the below link to listen to our intro to skill acquisition and biomechanics.

Private Tutoring

1 : 1 ratio  $140/hr

1 : 2 ratio  $200/hr